maandag 31 mei 2010

Mini roadtrip to Texel

A group of  "mainland" windsurfers were planning a short trip and the forecasts led them not to Wissant (France), but to Texel.....So Pablo, Aad, Bart, Dennis (came in by ferry) and Nelis (came in on a windsurfer with camelpack from the mainland) got two fairly good days in. Sunday the wind was very constant, but nearly onshore, making it quite choppy with messy waves. At the end of my session on Sunday I managed to take some pics of Dennis. René of Strandpaviljoen Paal 9 offered them the Royal Seaside Suite at the beachfront for the night. Monday started with rain, but soon the sun was back and the wind had turned sideshore to the north, with good seize waves, but with the wind being a bit light on the inside it was challenging to get through the surf. One mast ceased to be. I had a blast with my SUP having heaps of fun just slogging out and catching some good waves coming in. Pablo certainly is top-contender for a cool set of wheels (and it fits 5 complete windsurfing sets).

Pablo's ride:


Dennis' ride: